So happy to have been able to be the copy editor for the English part of The Love Tactic / Die Gefühle Taktik: 72 Hour Urban Action, published by Arch+ Books in September 2021. It was a real pleasure working with editors Gilly Karjevsky and Kerem Halbrecht, as well as the essay contributors.
Book teaser: 
72 Hour Urban Action is the world’s first real-time architecture festival. It is a political experiment, a kind of bureaucratic hack that aims to transform the city through grassroots and hands-on urbanism. Founded in 2010 at the Bat Yam Biennale of Landscape Urbanism, past 72HUA editions have taken place in Bat Yam, Stuttgart, Terni, Roskilde, Witten, Istanbul, Birżebbuġa, and Jena. The bilingual ARCH+ special edition Die Gefühletaktik | The Love Tactic explores 72HUA’s central themes. The German-language half includes a detailed examination of the festival’s most recent iteration in Jena. The English half of the book additionally expands the discourse on critical spatial practice with thematic contributions by Liza Fior, Fabienne Hoelzel, Elke Krasny, Oli Mould, and Sumayya Vally. The past decade of 72HUA has been witness to citizen movements around the world rising up against cultures of subordination, division, and exploitation. Against this backdrop, this publication also serves as a handbook illuminating concepts and practices of proactive, spontaneous, and participatory design of public space.